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Out of Range on Lake Conasauga

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It's funny how nature calms you down. We went camping at Lake Conasauga, located at 3,150 feet, near the summit of Grassy Mountain. It's the highest lake in Georgia. The name "Conasauga" is derived from the Cherokee word kahnasagah, meaning "grass," "sparkling water," or "strong horse," according to various sources. It is one of the best camp sites i've seen in the US. I'd go back there before exploring other campsites in Georgia. I logged a nice strole around the lake.
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I read the famous [or infamous, depending on your political bent and according to wikipedia] Tom Wolfe's little not-so-well-known book, "From Bauhaus to Our House." I haven't been able to finnish any of his other books, in print form or in audiobook form, so I can't really speak about his work in general. But this little book should be required reading for architects, art students, and the general public who takes an interest in design and art history. It's a very smart book examining some of the rarely scrutinized origins of modern taste and style. Basically, he took a nice long poop on European and American art snobbery and all the unspoken premises it employs to bulldoze its opinion into an accepted aesthetic. He doesn't exactly make an 'emperor has no clothing'' argument. It's more like a well researched and witty poop.
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So while reading it, on our little campsite picnic table, i started seeing where some of my misgiving comes from towards high fashion and some of the culture around contemporary art. His thesis in a sound bite is that Modern art tries to code itself out of reach of middle class' comprehension. In fact, it busies itself at insulting middle class ideals and world-views. [Think of Joe Shmoe saying "I can do that, this is art?" to an abstract Picasso or to a Pollack paint-splatter painting.] Read his book for more details, it's far better worded then anything I can do on my blog. But if you like things like multicolored plastic thumb-tacks, Ben Franklin postage stamps, car camping, air mattresses, and wrapping things in aluminum foil you may not like the thrust of a lot of contemporary art and fashion.
But the take-away isn't any of this. Well, there probably isn't a take-away, just a handful of observations. Its difficult to look at something with fresh eyes. My cellphone had to be out of range and discharged before I could get relaxed enough to just let inspiration seep in. The art of wrapping sweet potatoes in foil and then cooking them on the campfire coals should not be lost to time.
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    Picture 5-1
    Out of Range on Lake Conasauga
    Photo 070906 028
    Out of Range on Lake Conasauga
    Photo 070906 045
    Out of Range on Lake Conasauga
    Out of Range on Lake Conasauga
    Photo 070906 003
    Out of Range on Lake Conasauga
My Beating Blog is a 2005 commission of New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc. for its Turbulence web site. It is supported by the Jerome Foundation in celebration of the Jerome Hill Centennial and in recognition of the valuable contributions of artists to society.