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Warm Data Questionnaire

Instructions: You can answer as many of the questions as you choose, in as much or as little detail as you like.

Who was the first person you ever fell in love with?

(Who they were to you, not necessarily their name)

What is your favorite flavor, and what is the one food that if you had the choice you would never eat?

Which family member are you the closest to?

Describe a place you see when you close your eyes at night:

Which muscle do you use the most in your normal daily activities?

Name a piece of music that is always running through your head:

What’s the worst mistake you ever made?

Which past accomplishment are you the proudest of?

Describe your favorite piece of clothing you’ve ever owned:

What is your earliest childhood memory?

An offhand remark someone once made to you which has haunted you ever since:

What is the one birthday present you always wanted and never received?

If someone questioned your right to call yourself an American, what would you offer as proof of your American identity?

Of all the sights, sounds, sensations, and activities that make up your daily life, which would you miss the most if tomorrow, you found yourself in a detention center?

How do you feel about U.S. immigration policies, especially those that lead to widespread detention and deportation?