Giselle Beiguelmann

Multi-platform installation

Poétrica is an investigation about reading and reception in cybrid and entropy situations.
It involves a series of visual poems conceived by myself with non-fonetic fonts (dings and system fonts) and a teleintervention mediated by creations made by the public using the same typographic background that resulted in more than 3000 images produced by the audience using SMS, wap and the Web.

Those images now are archived at Poétrica website (www. are also reproduced in different devices (mobile phones, Palms, computers, DVD) and, in some cases, printed in large formats. Nevertheless, they result always in imagetic meanings independent of textuality and unlinked to their places of production and transmission. By this way, it inverts the concrete and land art assumptions that feed and base it: undoing verbal and visual ties through the combination of languages and codes, and projecting itself as a net specific intervention.

Everything that is created is seen, read and perceived in different ways, according to its reception context and this is not a consequence of the screen sizes to which the submitted images adhere. But due to a particular esthetic phenomenon pertaining to nomadic literature: on being hybrid and unlinked to support, it dematerializes the medium, and the interface construes itself as the message.

Poétrica is a work in progress. It starts in October and ends in February. The opening is at Galeria Vermelho, in São Paulo. The closing, at Kulturforum, in Berlin, during P0es1s exhibition.

Giselle Beiguelman is a new media artist and multimedia essayist who teaches Digital Culture at the Graduation Program in Communication and Semiotics of PUC-SP (São Paulo, Brazil). Her work includes the award-winning "The Book after the Book" (1999) "Content = No Cache" (2000), nominated for the Trace/ Alt-X New Media Competition, and "Recycled" (2001). She has recently made art for mobile phones ("Wop Art", 2001) and art involving public-access and internet-streaming for electronic billboards like "Leste o Leste?" "Egoscópio" (2002) and POétrica.
Beiguelman's work appears in numerous anthologies and guides devoted to digital arts including Yale University Library Research Guide for Mass Media and has been presented in international venues such as Net_Condition (ZKM, Germany), el final del eclipse (Fundación Telefonica, Madrid), Desk Topping - Computer Disasters (Smart Project Space, Amsterdam) and Arte/Cidade.